100WC Challenge 1 - Magic Mystery

Harriet is a girl with a wild imagination. She got a new cat called Gooby. Harriet thinks Gooby is a bit weird, like her teacher, Mr. Goobs. Mr. Goobs has cat food and cat toys in his classroom. Harriet wonders if he has cats. One day Harriet asks Mr. Goobs if he would like to meet Gooby but he declines, saying he is allergic to cats. Harriet gets......suspicious. One day Mr. Goobs' class has to fetch their Art books in the classroom. The door opened and there it was.... Mr. Goobs transforming into Gooby, but what happens next....

Erin, Grade 5


  1. I love your introduction to the story. It was very intriguing as you left me wondering what the rest of the story was about. Well done Erin!

  2. Wow... I think you may have a wild imagination just like Harriet! I was not expecting the transformation - how exciting! Well done, Erin!

    Use that incredible imagination of yours to keep writing!


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